Vocabulary Terms

1.      WISH-
an organization which stands for Women in Senate and House

  a.      In The Difference Women Make Swers
  mentions this group in regards to their action of raising money for pro-choice
  Republican women

2.      EMILY- a group that stands for Early Money
Is Like Yeast’s

a.      This unit of women
were able to raise $21,201,339 to support prochoice Democratic women. As a
result of this it was named one of the leading fundraisers among all PACs.

3.       Chief deputy whip- an
official in a political party who is in charge of party discipline and to ensure
that all the elected representatives are in attendance for votes (especially the
most controversial and important ones)

a.      This passage makes a
reference to Barbara Kennelly who was a chief deputy whip in Congress and was a
big believer that women were necessary within Congress to add a unique


The Difference Women Make explains the specific pros and cons of
implementing women into our government. Acclaimed scholar, Michele Swers, claims
that they make a tremendous impact. Swers references a plethora of female
legislatures to back up her claim. The line is drawn immediately within this
article between the two main parties and how women have effected each group in
different, but still huge, ways. Swers begins her passage with a quote from a
Congresswoman by the name of Stephanie Tubs Jones. She was a Democrat from Ohio
who did not agree with women’s underrepresentation within Congress. She remarked
on how there were only a mere fifty seven women and with all the various issues
the Congress has to deal with they need many different perspectives to attack
each and every issue. After she states some facts, Swer jumps back in with
another astonishing quote explaining when a Senotor named Blanche Lambert
Lincoln exclaimed that, “nearly one of every three senators is a millionaire,
but there are only five mothers.” This casts a light on the fact that while only
a small elite portion of Americans are millionaires, there are millions of
mothers within our country. If our representatives are supposed to be a voice
for our normal everyday people, shouldn’t a large portion of them be normal
everyday people? Swer then goes on to explain how women allow for certain issues
to be addressed that could often be overlooked without their presence. These
issues are labeled as women’s issues or family issues within the passage.
Towards the end of the reading Swer introduces the way that our modern day
legislative branch has such tight party competition and women can often be seen
as a way that party leaders can find policy proposals that appear desirable to
them and target other women voters. However Swer concludes that the first step
is getting more women into office and allowing their unique perspectives to
enrich their group, whether it be in the Congress or Senate or as a Republican
or Democrat.


I found this passage of The
Difference Women Make
 to be very insightful due to the
multitude of examples Michele Swers was able to reference when backing up her
claim. She not only began very strong with her opinion, but she had a variety of
strong evidence. I also believe it really highlights the benefits of
incorporating more women into our political system.  

To begin
with, with women making so much of our country many of America’s issues revolve
around them. With this in mind, women should be apart of the decision and vote
making process to add their perspectives. Women like Tubbs Jone’s pointed out
that having more women in Congress would allow for two things: the first would
be that it helps to achieve equality, but the second is that it would allow an
influence in the range of issues that would be placed upon the national stage.

I really liked how Swers explained the specific issues that she
referred to as women’s issues and family issues that women help influence
  greatly. These problems consist of child support, women’s health issues (breast
  cancer mainly), abortion and other topics that can often be pushed aside and
  forgotten on the political agenda. Many women within both the Republican and
  Democratic parties feel that they hold a great sense of responsibility to
  represent women.

Women also have an instinct to work cohesively at times. Swer
referenced Susan Molinari’s fight to get funding for programs which combatted
violence against women. Although it was initially shot down the other people
within the party realized that this group of women were not going to back down
and knew that at the next election they would not get the majority without this
group of women’s votes. This highlights how the benefits of women’s efforts can
be put into action.

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    October 2013

